Tuesday, 14 November 2017

How does labor contraction/pain feel like?

Every body is different and it feels different. To some, labor contractions feel like acidity and to some it may feel like menstrual cramps, and yet to a very few or in rare cases it might feel like orgasm. Those who feel like orgasm are the luckiest of course. Yes, it is very painful and we generally hear that women forget and/or cannot describe exactly how labor pain feels like. I googled when my delivery date was near but every description failed. To me, it felt like constipation multiplied by 20 times the pain. I vomited too. However, I can't say whether it was out of pain or due to the normal nauseatic feeling during pregnancy. I felt the need to go to the toilet but I was given the medicines to induce labor pain as it did not start of its own. I was confused as I had strong urge to defecate and simultaneously my mom in law asked me to push. So if I push, what will come out- the baby (which was taking its own time) or the faeces. So, such was the feeling. I would suggest you that do not think over the faeces, which is what I could not do and hence, the confusion. If it comes, let it come.

I might blame the urban life for the lack of natural labor pains. Though i used to go for long walks every day till the delivery day, but the pains did not start. I might explain all these in my next blog.

One more thing that I must tell all of those new expecting moms may not know is that the labor pains are not continuous. They occur in a recurrent way. Like, you get pains for one minute and then it stops for some seconds and then again for one minute and so on. While the delivery time is near, the contractions speed up and the duration a bit longer which is very painful. But, do keep calm, keep breathing normally and try to push (obviously on the advice of the doctor or mid-wife). Pushing gives some relief. The labor pains may be shorter to the extent that one feels they never occurred and can be longer like more than 24 hours.

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